Freelance Candidate

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Jim is running for US House of Representatives in Missouri's 7th District 2022 Democratic primary as an alternative populous candidate.

Jim does not work for a Party, PAC, wealthy donor,  special interest, union, corporation, or false ideology. Hell, Jim is just having fun watching the clowns.

Jim does not listen to the media, internet outrage, propaganda, radical ideas, conspiracy theories, alternative facts, preachers, celebrities, concocted evidence, or logical fallacy.

He listens to The People and considers the “welfare of the people.”
Jim’s campaign is built on moral values and humanist principles, promising authenticity, originality, balance, and civility in both the campaign and representation.

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Jim cannot be influenced by money. He does not fundraise and is not soliciting contributions. He would love to see the corrupt system of political influence (Bribery) eliminated entirely. 100% of any donations to Jim’s campaign will be donated to animal rescue charities.

Jim's is humble and modest, choosing a word-of-mouth campaign and steering clear of the fancy wealth-elite, party insider, PAC-funded extravaganzas, that are designed to dazzle, confuse, hypnotize, and leave voters drunk on passion but ignorant of truth.

Political change starts with you!