No Chance

I am running as a "freelance candidate" in in the Democratic (this time) primary for US Congress, MO 7th. 

I'm an independent-minded, creative-thinker who rejects the influence of the wealthy elite, and questions the agenda of the political insiders and the ridiculous talking heads.

Hightower Courage 2.1.jpg

There are eight candidates in the Republican primary. Many are well funded with corporate and PAC money. Their politics ranges from the radical to the ridiculous. Since the 7th is a SAFE republican district, one of these crazy’s will be your next corporate puppet. It is an embarrassing reality for my community.

Establishment Republicans see my campaign as a novelty, irrelevant – no real threat.
Establishment Democrats see my campaign (truth) as a dangerous distraction.

Clearly the table is set. Any challenge by a conventional candidate using traditional methods will fail! I've decided not to try to win. Instead, I will play a different game by different rules.

I am not a conventional candidate using traditional strategy!