Values -> Ideals-> Policy

I reject all partisan-based propaganda and build my platform using my VIP system.

I hold that people’s minds are muddled by pervasive disinformation and that is what is causing the conflict, confusion, and suspicion that afflicts our society.  It seems that people have a backward approach to forming their world view. They are letting politics shape their values and ideals instead of using their values and ideals to shape their politics.

I designed my VIP system to help me build my political policy based on my values and ideals. I try to avoid hot-button and loaded terms in order to keep my system free of political propaganda.

First, I list my core values.  I hope you will make your own list and compare those to mine. It is my belief that you and I will be in strong agreement. Maybe you have listed an important value I am missing. Maybe I’ve listed a value that is not one of yours. Ultimately, our values should shape our political policy support.

My short list of values: Honesty, Accuracy, Decency, Civility, Generosity, Fairness, Peace, Responsibility, Commitment, Diversity, Freedom, Human Life, Inclusion, Learning, Curiosity, Empathy, Cooperation, Positivity, and Excellence.

 Next, I make a list of political ideals that are consistent with and grow out of my values. I confess that the Preamble to the US Constitution provided me strong inspiration for,

My short list of ideals. The Preamble tasks “We the People” to “Establish Justice,” “Ensure Tranquility,” “Provide Defense,” “Promote the General Welfare,” and “Secure Liberty.”  To the Preamble, I would add “Adapt to Change” and Reject Concentration of Power".” These eight ideals are consistent with my values. For example, my values of fairness, decency and freedom, support the ideal of justice (equity).

Finally, I make my policy list to be consistent with my ideals. It becomes a little tricky because I believe it is important to provide a policy list that is consistent with my values and ideals, reflects current politics, and avoids the toxic tribalism of our day.

My short list of desired policies include:

  1. Eliminate the current corrupt campaign finance system that allows the wealthy manipulate politicians and control legislation, undermining democracy.

  2. Break the Two-Party strangle-hold on American Politics.

  3. Stop election rigging by using non-partisan private firms to run elections, and draw districts.

  4. Sever the connection between lobbies and campaign finance. And any public monies going to private entities. Corporations are not ‘people'.'

  5. Reduce the power of the Executive Branch.

  6. Require a 50/50 liberal/conservative balance on the Court.

  7. Ban State and Local governments from using public funds to compete against other states.